Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Concerning our anonymity

Ever since the beginning of FÖRDÄRV, people have been wanting to know who we are. There have been rumours in the Underground and Katia, our label-manager keep getting asked about our identities. Of course, she reveals nothing. But I wanted to take the oppurtunity to explain a bit more why this anonymity is important to us.

First of all, it is out of respect for the listener, or rather the listeners imagination and right to explore our music in the way he/she wants. I think EN explained this pretty well in an interview with Unholy Black Metal Zine:

"Another aspect of FÖRDÄRV is that we desire to remain anonymous in this context. Our respective personal lives, professions and pasts etc. is not something that we wish the potential listeners to be attracted, distracted or averted by. We want our music and words to stand alone on their own merits."

That is, there should be no limitations for the listener due to our personalities. We think of music as "out of this world", and we want to keep it like that for our listeners aswell.

So, are we then ashamed of who we are? Are we not "trve" enough for the scene? Or are we simply riding the trendwave of artists like Ghost (or maybe in fact we ARE Ghost?), just to get attention in a cheap way?  Not at all. We just do not find our private persons interesting for the music. Creating music in FÖRDÄRV is mainly about the two participant´s spirituality and in that sense our physical bodies/private life/personas are not important at all. They only work as instruments to channel aspects which are higher than ordinary life. We consider what we do eternal, and are aware of our own mortality (at least body-wise), so it is simply about that: our music will live on, our bodies will not, hence they are not interesting in the context.

All in all, if you are interested in our personal lives and ask us about them, you will be disappointed. I hope though, by reading this that you will be more aware of WHY that will be the case and that you respect our wish to remain anonymous and focus on our music instead. After all, that´s what we are here for, right?